Zapt Tech

How it works?


Automated Contact Monitoring

Contact Tracking

Exhibition notification

Physical Spaces

Monitoring of Agglomerations

Identifying Infected Areas

The official application of the place is enabled with proximity algorithms (via Zapt Contact Tracing SDK) and required for all those who pass through the place: employees, suppliers and visitors in general.

The distance between those who pass through the site is monitored continuously and automatically, and alerts sent to both sides, whenever two people approach at a distance and risk tolerance period. It is not necessary that they have the application in use (in foreground), alerts are sent even on a locked screen (in background).

The local manager can choose to implement a tracking system to identify people exposed to an infected person. To this end, it is responsible for registering and / or receiving contagion notifications. Users can inform via application that they have contracted COVID-19.

After confirmation by the person in charge, the system triggers alerts for everyone who has had recent contact with the infected person. People who have been exposed to the risk, identified by screening, can also be identified by security officers on site during their visits.

For maximum security and efficiency of the system, beacons** are posted in sectors with the highest risk of the location, such as entrances / exits, lobbies and places subject to queues in general, enabling indoor location

(**) bluetooth transmitters that allow indoor georeferencing.

Georeferencing allows security officers to act preventively, in real time, in sectors where a high density of contacts indicates the formation of agglomerations. For this, consult a dashboard with georeferenced indicators on maps (heat map), using tablets and desktops.

If contact tracking and indoor georeferencing are active, it becomes possible to identify the areas where confirmed infected circulated, increasing the effectiveness of cleaning and asepsis work.

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